Tamás Álmos Vámi studies Physics at the Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, in the US. He received his BSc and MSc in Physics at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. He is interested in Particle Physics and in the Modern Quantum Theories. He has been working at CERN for eight years in the topic of Detector Physics and Search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model. He is the group leader of the CMS Pixel Calibration, Local Reconstruction and Simulation Group. He studies Supersymmetry, and the existence of Heavy Stable Charged Particles Beyond the Standard Model. In his free time he likes reading, travelling and getting acquainted with new cultures and people. He experienced being in the leadership of an association, as he was the Head of the Scientific Department and in the following year the Coordinator of Hungarian Student Research Association (KutDiák). He was the President of the Hungarian Association of Physics Students and now he is the chair of the CERN CMS Young Scientist Committee.
- 21/1 – Electromagnetism
- Frontiers in Physics
- Electromagnetism
- Physical Chemistry
- Frontiers in Physics
- General Chemistry
- Electromagnetism
- Modern Physics
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- General Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Electromagnetism
- General Chemistry
- Electromagnetism
- Big Questions of the Universe
- Modern Physics
- General Chemistry
- Frontiers in Physics
- Electromagnetism
- Physical Chemistry
- Big Questions of the Universe
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Electromagnetism
- Electromagnetism
- Big Questions of the Universe
- Physical Chemistry
- Basic Chemistry
- Modern Physics
- General and Inorganic Chemistry
- General and Inorganic Chemistry
- Big Questions of the Universe