Sona Grigoryan

Subjects: Middle Eastern Studies, Religious Studies
Division: Arts and Humanities, Skill Development
Position: Mentor, Module leader
Years: 2019-2020, 2020-2021

Sona is a researcher in the field of Arab and Muslim history with a PhD in History/Medieval Studies (Central European University, 2018). Her doctoral research explored notions of unbelief and freethinking in certain Arabic literary, and theological and philosophical texts of the 10-11th century. Her first MA research at the Yerevan State University dealt with modern Sunni fundamentalist thought, whereas her second MA research at CEU explored the anti-Christian polemics of the famous Muslim thinker Ibn Taymiyya (d.1328) and especially the criticism of the Torah and Gospels. Sona’s broader field of research interests are critique of religion, religious polemics, Arabic literature and intellectual history. Sona is interested in contemporary visual art, makes sketches of jewelry in her spare time and travels.