Subjects: Art History, Film Studies, Fine Art, Philosophy
Division: Arts and Humanities
Position: Mentor, Module leader
Years: 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023
László is a PhD student in Philosophy at Central European University. He holds two master’s degrees: one in Aesthetics from ELTE and the other in Philosophy from CEU. Through international programs, he also studied philosophy at the University of Primorska, Slovenia, as well as visual culture and literature at Lund University, Sweden.
His philosophical work focuses on the ontological nature of social categories and classifications, but his broader academic interests range from philosophy of art and philosophy of mind through literary theory to Early Modern and Enlightenment thought.
In his free time, László immerses himself in contemporary Hungarian literature (at times publishing reviews), travels, and goes to the movies.
Modules taught
- 22/2 – Philosophy Olympiad Learning Lab
- 22/1 – Manipulation
- 21/3 – Making the Social World
- 21/3 – Philosophy Olympiad Learning Lab 2
- 21/2 – Philosophy and Law Tutorial
- 21/2 – Philosophy Olympiad Learning Lab
- 21/1 – Making Up People
- 21/1 – Manipulation
- Philosophy Olympiad Learning Lab 2
- Making the Social World
- Philosophy Olympiad Learning Lab
- Philosophy Tutorial
- The Body
- Manipulation – From Pseudoscience to Commercials
- Ideas of Enlightenment
- Explanations
- Philosophy Olympiad Learning Lab
- Good and Evil
- Academic Writing I (Group 15 & 16)
- The Body
- Academic Writing I