László Kajtár

Subjects: Philosophy
Division: Arts and Humanities
Position: Mentor
Years: 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021

László acquired his doctoral degree in 2017 at the Central European University. His research focuses on storytelling and on the concepts of narrative and fiction. His main areas are aesthetics and the philosophy of mind and language. During his doctoral studies, he published in renowned international journals (‘Fiction Cannot Be True’– Philosophical Studies; ‘What Mary Didn’t Read: On Literary Narratives and Knowledge’ – Ratio), and gave presentations at many prestigious conferences abroad. He held courses at ELTE on the philosophy of fiction, worked as an assistant at CEU on various topics in the field of aesthetics and gave an introductory lecture on Philosophy at Corvinus University. He spent a semester at the University of York as a researcher in 2015. In addition, at CEU, he was the main organiser of the Philosophy Department’s colloquium series and was instrumental in organising conferences. He spends his free time playing football or squash, reading contemporary novels, watching TV shows and films, and he loves to cook.