Judit Barta holds MAs in Sociology and Social Anthropology from CEU and in English Literature from Eötvös University. Currently she teaches College Writing and Oral Communication at McDaniel College Budapest. At the same time, she is in her final year on the Film, Media and Contemporary Culture Programme at Eötvös University, where her research focus is on the newly evolving practices of online journalism with regard to the interaction between technology, journalists and ordinary citizens. She is also a freelance translator and journalist, and currently a pre-doctoral fellow at the CEU Center for Media, Data and Society, where she focuses on the cooperation and synergies of social media actors and mainstream journalists reporting on the Hungarian tobacco shop licensing scandal. In her free time, she regularly practices yoga synergy.
Judit Barta
Subjects: Academic Writing
Division: Skills Modules
Position: Module leader
Years: 2015-2016, 2016-2017
Modules taught