József Arató

Subjects: Cognitive Psychology
Division: Natural Sciences
Position: Mentor, Module leader
Years: 2017-2018, 2018-2019

József is a Computational Cognitive Neuroscientist. The combination of these three fields comes from many years in higher education. He started with neuroscience and  completed his BSc in biology at ELTE. Hemoved on to Cognitive Science for his masters at BME and is currently studying on a Cognitive Science PhD programme at the Central European University (CEU) working in the Vision Lab. During his PhD studies, he returned to neuroscience for a year, working in a visual neuroscience lab at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. In 2016, he worked for a time at the Biological Psychology Laboratory at the University of Hamburg. Additionally, he studied Computational Modelling on summer courses at  New York University, Shanghai and at the University of Minnesota.