Marcell Fekete

Subjects: Linguistics
Division: Natural Sciences
Position: Mentor, Module leader
Years: 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021

Marcell studied at ELTE Radnóti Miklós Gimnázium and went on to the University of Cambridge in 2015 to study Linguistics. In Cambridge, his main interests were syntax, historical linguistics, phonetics and computational linguistics. He interned for a month at the Research Institute for Linguistics Hungarian Academy of Sciences assisting with the building of a historical linguistic corpus. Even though he is still fascinated with the problems in theoretical linguistics, he became more and more invested in researching linguistic disadvantage in education. He hopes he can pursue language policy as a Master’s degree and synthesize his knowledge of linguistics and education. In his free time, Marcell enjoys literature, writes songs and plays the guitar and likes to go on long walks.