Edward’s career in academia began in Liverpool. From initially studying Zoology, he grew increasingly interested in the function of the brain. He undertook a Master’s in research and, subsequently, a PhD, studying pathomechanisms in the development of epilepsy. He arrived to Budapest, after a brief period working in Vienna, in 2013, where he took up a position as a Research fellow at the Institute of Experimental Medicine (KOKI). While his research focussed on developmental aspects of schizophrenia and autism, he was motivated to share his passion for neuroscience with the next generation of young scientists at The Milestone Institute. He is currently working in Dublin, at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, once again in the field of epilepsy, and have recently been awarded a prestigious Marie Curie post-doctoral fellowship to fund his ongoing research. Although away from Budapest, his work involves ongoing collaborations with Hungarian institutions.