Dávid Győrfi

Subjects: Linguistics, Middle-East and Islam
Division: Arts and Humanities, Multiple Disciplines
Position: Mentor, Module leader
Years: 2016-2017

David is a linguist and his special field is Central Asia. He has an MA degree in Turkology from ELTE University where he focused on Turkic languages, the history and culture of the Middle East and of course, Islam. After graduation he moved to Kazakhstan for a year and learned Kazakh and Russian. In 2015 he did an MA degree in Linguistics at the University of York. His dissertation was looking at a novel formalization of a Kazakh verbal structure. At the moment David is working at a translation company but he has been teaching languages and he also did long-term field works, such as the ‘Central Asia Expedition 2014’, whereas he worked as an interpretor throughout Central Asia.

Modules taught