Beatrix is an art historian and specialist in Korean and Japanese Studies and works as an associate professor with a habilitation at the Institute of East Asian Studies at Eötvös Loránd University Budapest (ELTE). She studied Art History, Japanese Studies (MA) and Korean Studies at ELTE, and was awarded with the Pro Scientia Golden Medal for outstanding extracurricular research activities and good academic record in 1999. She obtained her PhD degree at the University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in the Department of Art and Archaeology. She has taught in the Art and Archaeology Department, SOAS, University of London, on Sotheby’s Institute of East Asian Art MA programme, and at Yonsei University Seoul (South Korea) among others and, currently, she gives courses and lectures on East Asian Art at ELTE and other European universities. She publishes regularly in academic journals and magazines on topics concerned with East Asia, Medieval and Contemporary Art.