Imogen obtained her BA at Victoria University of Wellington in her native New Zealand. She moved to Budapest in 2012 in pursuit of her MA degree in Comparative History at the Central European University (CEU). She continues her studies at CEU in the Doctoral Program, pursuing a PhD in History. Her thesis, ““Beyond the Waiting Room: Shifting Migration Strategies and the Displaced of the British Zone (1945-1950)” examines and contrasts the migratory experiences, specifically relating to an evolving decision-making process, of the predominantly Polish and Jewish displaced communities that for one reason or another were deemed to be unrepatriable at war’s end. Her main areas of interest include the history of migration, economic history, Jewish history and citizenship and refugee studies. She also works as an editor and proofreader for the CEU Press and as a free-lance journalist. In her free time she enjoys reading, learning languages and scuba diving.
Imogen Bayley
Subjects: History, Philosophy
Division: Arts and Humanities, Multiple Disciplines
Position: Mentor, Module leader
Years: 2016-2017
Modules taught