Barbara Urmossy

Subjects: Architecture
Division: Arts and Humanities
Position: Mentor
Years: 2021-2022

Barbara Urmossy was born in Budapest in 1999 and is a Milestone Institute Alumna (2018). She freshly graduated (June 2021) from St John’s College, University of Cambridge where she read an accredited architecture undergraduate degree (RIBA Part 1) and received numerous prizes and scholarships. She has experience working in the field as she previously worked at BORD Architectural Studio in Budapest (Summers 2016, 2017, 2020). Her interdisciplinary academic interests lie on the border of architecture and video games, thus her undergraduate dissertation focused on “Architectural preservation and heritage, and their educational value, in the Assassin’s Creed Video Game Series”. She was heavily involved with May Ball planning, the Cambridge University Hungarian Society, Johnian Entrepreneurs Club and the St John’s College Architecture Society while at university, proving her engagement with the communities she belongs to. She enjoys helping others and teaching in her free time and thus decided to rejoin Milestone Institute, this time as a Mentor.
Her work can be seen at

Modules taught