Andrea Hübner

Subjects: Art History, History, Modern Languages
Division: Arts and Humanities
Position: Mentor, Module leader
Years: 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2022-2023

Andrea graduated in English Studies, History and Art History from Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences and Humanities, Budapest (ELTE) before she completed a PhD course in Romanticism and Modernism at the Department of English Studies at ELTE. Besides her majors listed above she also studied Egyptology as a minor. Studies in Organizational and Social Psychology at Pécs University followed her graduation in psychology from Károli Gáspár University, Budapest.
With a British Council study grant at the University of Sussex she worked out a curriculum in Orientalism and postcolonial discourse that she taught for ten years at ELTE along with British literature and literary theory.
Both in her teaching and in her research of 25 years her focuses are usually interdisciplinary with approaches of psychology and cultural studies. Presently she works for a German-Hungarian visitor study project and she has lately been elected into the Supervisory Committee of Interpret Europe- Association for Heritage Interpretation
Lately she has been engaged in heritage interpretation and visitor studies