Adrian Matus

Subjects: English Literature, History
Division: Arts and Humanities
Appointment: Head of Freshman Year
Position: Mentor, Module leader
Years: 2021-2022, 2022-2023

Adrian Matus graduated in Comparative Literature and English Language at Babeș-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He earned two MA Degrees, one in History of Ideas at Babeș-Bolyai University and the other in Contemporary History at Université Sorbonne Paris IV. Currently, he is writing his Ph.D. about Hungarian and Romanian hippie movements under the supervision of Prof. Alexander Etkind from the European University Institute in Florence.

Previously, Adrian worked as a researcher for Jugend- und Kulturprojekt e.V., an NGO from Dresden, Germany, as a librarian assistant at the European University Institute from Florence, and as an archivist intern at the Open Society Archives from Budapest.

In his free time, Adrian enjoys gardening, going to the theatre, and traveling.