Empires and Revolutions

Module Leader:
Bill Hoversen
2017-2018 Autumn
Arts and Humanities

This module will be broken into two distinct parts.  The first part seeks to determine if there are unifying principles found between empires throughout history or is the very idea of empire undefinable. This initial portion will attempt to explain the “Life Cycle of Empires” and if it can be uniformly applied.  Furthermore, the module will ask students to think about such questions as, “Is the transfer of imperial authority between empires based in cultural similarity or physical location?”  “What tactics are used for expansion?”  “What symbols of power are employed throughout history to illustrate imperial authority.?” In addition, students will explore the concept of the historical interpretation using the backdrop of various empires with heavy attention paid to the modern perspectives on polarizing leaders and their administration of the state.  Students will also gain insight into the vital role religious identity and dogma can play in the managing a multi-ethnic state.

The second segment will focus on revolutions.  Using academic papers and seminal writing, such as Crane Britton’s Anatomy of Revolution, students will break down the cycle of revolution.  Students will scrutinize revolutions from antiquity to the modern era to learn the basic elements of revolution.  The module will then seek to determine which factors often lead to successful revolutions and failed revolutions.

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