Graphic Design

Module Leader:
Alíz Borsa
2016-2017 Spring
Immersion 1
Arts and Humanities

The artistic field of graphic design is a collective term for a broad range of activities, which also draw on other forms of art. During the eight sessions of our module, we will discover how wide the two-dimensional world of graphic design can be. Through exploring different techniques – such as stone carving, block printing, and conceptual body painting – we will try to find out whether we can draw a definite line between different subfields within graphic design. First, we will engage with the “Nagykörút project” to explore the boundaries of typography and architecture. Then, with the help of Anthon Beeke’s Nude Alphabet/Body Type, we will focus on the relationship between body and letters. Third, by examining classic matchboxes, we will see how graphic design and advertising can join hands to convey social messages. Fourth, with the help of stone-carving, we will walk the fine line between sculpture and typography. Finally, we will examine the placement of car logos and car type names to look at the interplay between industrial design and signage. Instead of just watching, through the practical exercises of the module, students will learn how to see, develop an eye for detail, and work on their fine motoric skills. Our inquiry may be of equal interest to students interested in the arts and humanities, social studies, or engineering.

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