The aim of this course will be to give the students a strong foundation of the core principles of art & design, which include, but are not limited to; space, balance, rhythm, pattern, emphasis, shape/form, value, color and texture, and more importantly their uses. The lessons will comprise of interactive presentations and include historical and modern day examples of composition and the importance of asset arrangement in order to influence the end user and to best achieve the desired outcome of a brief; examples of which can range from the placement text in an advertisement, or the position of characters within a film set.
Design is different from art, in that it is not entirely subjective, and so the course will primarily focus on practical and tangible examples from; painting to advertising, print to web design and from film to new technology.
No prior understanding or knowledge of this subject is necessary to take this course and is recommended for any students with an interest or desire to pursue a career in the arts, any kind of design, film production, advertising and architecture as well as those in related fields.