PAT-ENGAA preparation

Module Leader:
Konczer József
2018-2019 Ősz
Matematikai és Műszaki Tudományok

The module is focusing on the Physics Aptitude Test (PAT) for applicants to all University of Oxford Engineering, Materials Science and Physics undergraduate degree courses, and Engineering Admissions Assessment (ENGAA) for applicants to University of Cambridge Engineering undergraduate degree courses.
The main goal of the module is to achieve a successful test result on the mentioned tests in 31. October 2018.

During the preparation we will discuss previous tests, personally identify the difficult parts, and clarify them. Beside gaining practice and knowledge in the relevant topics, learning about time and stress management is also a vital part of the module.
The time constraint for the PAT and ENGAA tests are 2 hours, because of that during the contact hours we will only discuss problematic parts and maybe sections from the syllabus, so the module relays heavily on individual preparation as well.
The module will be beneficial for Senior students, who applied for the mentioned Oxbridge courses.

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