There is little disagreement that in capitalist economies property rights to land affect economic growth and poverty reduction in a number of ways. In developing countries land is the primary means for generating a livelihood and the base for investing and accumulating wealth, while in advanced economies, the development of cities is the driving force of economic growth.
The module will build on key concepts from geography, law and economics to explain the main challenges built and natural environment faces today. The aim is to develop an analytical foundation using these diverse disciplines for designing policy answers.
Learning Objectives:
– To understand and use the concepts of market failure, market imperfections and the basic means of government interventions
– To understand and develop an opinion on key contemporary urban, developmental and environmental challenges and the role of sustainable policy interventions
– To understand the main relationships between law and economics
– To understand and use the main ideas and principles of property in land
The module is ideal for any student interested in geography, economics, regional development or law, who want to gain an interdisciplinary perspective in addressing critical contemporary issues.