Programming in Python

Module Leader:
Kiss Domonkos
2017-2018 Tavasz
Elmélyülés 1
Matematikai és Műszaki Tudományok

The module is designed to give the opportunity of programming in an immersed and enjoyable way while the principles, aesthetics and conditions of efficient coding can be internalized. We will continuously improve on our ability to design solutions (and at the same time the corresponding code) for easy-looking, everyday tasks and more challenging ones. While the focus will remain on solving the problems we will have the opportunity to improve our coding skills in the aspects of cleanliness, readability, maintainability, extendability and testability. Prior knowledge of basic program structuring elements (such as variables, if-else, loops, functions) is preferable though not absolutely necessary.
The language used will be Python for its wide range of applications that include gaming and machine learning, and its vast community of supporters/contributors.

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