Human Geography and Geopolitics

Module Leader:
Balogh Péter
2017-2018 Nyár
Elmélyülés 1

This course aims to give a broad overview over Human Geography in general, but focuses on Political Geography/Geopolitics in particular. The common concern for all are meanings of space and territory, i.e. the relation between mankind and her social and physical environment. Accordingly, the course will deal with various aspects of how humans shape and struggle over fundamental resources such as land and water.

Once a taboo word, Geopolitics has strongly regained significance, not least due to an increasingly populated and exploited planet. But why does the topic still generate so much controversy and debate? In what ways can Geopolitics at all be studied? How do Human Geographers study it, how do others? What ideas have underpinned geopolitical thinking in various times and places? What is the role of East Central Europe in all this?

The course is primarily targeted at prospective students of (Human) Geography, IR, Political Science, and other Social Sciences, but anyone is welcome!

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