2017-2018 Nyár
Készségtárgyak, Művészetek és Bölcsészettudományok
“You may have been asked to write an essay, yet you were most likely asked to provide a review, a description of some event of a natural or man-made phenomenon, or explain in a descriptive way some social reality. However, here in Milestone and certainly at the universities you are trying to get to, you will be asked to present your opinion and support it with well-researched sources in the form of a well-structured argument.
This course is designed to help you to learn to make that shift from descriptive to an analytical and argumentative way of writing. We shall explore how to choose your topic, how to supply it with the context necessary for the reader to understand, and how to find your voice in a way which is well-reasoned and plausible as well as resting on evidence and references to facts originating from your research or delivered by a thorough review of the works of others. “