Calculus 3

Module Leader:
Szabó Dávid
2017-2018 Tavasz
Matematikai és Műszaki Tudományok

This is the final module from Calculus series at Milestone. As opposed to the previous modules – where the necessary fundamentals were developed at advanced school level -, the goal here is more to highlight some more advanced topics, techniques from undergraduate level Calculus going beyond the UK high school curriculum and to motivate students to study this area in depth. Consequently, the style of the module will be more relaxed. The material will be a selection from: ordinary and partial differential equations, vector calculus, calculus of variations, Taylor/Fourier-series, transforms, complex integrals. The concrete selection is based on the interest of the students as well as on time management issues. Mainly mathematics/physics students students who completed the Calculus 1-2 modules and are interested in more advanced topics are expected to take this module. A firm knowledge of the core of Calculus 1-2 is essential. The grade is based on class activity and on homework assignments.

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