The Milestone Institute’s Advanced History course will primarily be focused on historical debates and discussions occupying the minds of great historians over the last century. The course will aim to synthesize the knowledge gained through other history modules from source analysis and extrapolating hypothesis, historical theory and methodology as well as the discussion of core concepts. Thematically the course will move from accounts of decision making of individuals to great social events like revolutions as well as macro concepts. The course will be taught by a range of module leaders from the Institute’s history faculty each offering their input to better student’s experience and broaden their knowledge. The course will aim to prepare students aiming to do well in interview situations – therefore seminars will encompass interview style debate and discussion, which will be assessed.
Advanced History (invitation only)
Module Leader:
Greskovits György
2017-2018 Ősz
Művészetek és Bölcsészettudományok