The module Introduction to Contemporary Art will focus on what these two words, art and contemporary, mean nowadays. When we go to exhibitions and museums we can see that contemporary art is radically different from what we are used to. It reflects and comments in various ways on today’s ever accelerating and globalising world, working in a wide range of media. We are no longer supposed to evaluate art based on its mastery of techniques or aesthetical value. What really matters is how the given artwork challenges or entertains us. As the world of contemporary art is becoming more and more complex and interdisciplinary, it is of no wonder that it can be approached in more ways than ever before. In this module, we are to examine these approaches and we will also refer to what contemporary artists can build on, that is, previous styles and movements, something they react to or reject. Artists have an infinite range of tools and materials, sources and inspiration to create new pieces. They can express their ideas various ways: performance art, pop art, minimalism, conceptual art, or video. By the end of the module, students are expected to be able to navigate more confidently in the contemporary art scene. In order to achieve that, Introduction to Contemporary Art offers a tour of a few contemporary artists and the concepts they explore in their work, with sessions
Introduction to Contemporary Art
Module Leader:
Káplár Fehér Krisztina
2016-2017 Ősz
Művészetek és Bölcsészettudományok