This Introduction to Art and Design is centred on discovery and exploration and seeks to engage students with projects, group discussions and workshops. The course will contain four double sessions, each corresponding to a specific curriculum area within the field of applied and fine art. Each sessions has a pre-assigned self-initiated project that has to be completed beforehand and which will be discussed and further explored during each lesson. Students will be introduced to a range of materials and methods in order to research and develop their ideas, as well as to learn how to evaluate and reflect on their outcomes and those of other. Articulating students’ ideas verbally as well as visually will be our main concern. This kind of independent learning promotes the self-motivation, commitment and initiative, allowing students to analyse their interests and ambitions and to investigate directions to pursue.
Introduction to Art and Design
Module Leader:
Adrian Kiss
2016-2017 Nyár
Elmélyülés 1
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