Throughout the module crucial global environmental issues will be examined (Managing Geological Hazards and Anthropogenic Impacts, Environment and Landscape Change, Restoration of Freshwater Ecosystems, Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere, River Processes, Deposits and Environment) from various interdisciplinary viewpoints and methods (statistical data, case studies, scenarios etc.) in order to get the most multifaceted view of each issue. By the end of the module students will have a deep and thorough understanding of the key environmental issues from several viewpoints, will be able to use and analyse data, predict possible outcomes, locate each problem and think about possible ways of reducing the negative effects of the given issue. Skills: qualitative research, statistics, field skills, oral communication, presentation skills, laboratory, critical thinking, mapping skills, visual communication, team work, word processing, graphics , spreadsheets, problem solving, database, library skills, time management, debating skills, decision making, flexibility.
Global Environmental Challenges
Module Leader:
Káplár Fehér Krisztina
2015-2016 Ősz