This course introduces students into some of the most important characteristics of international human rights law through the legal practice and selected case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR, also known informally as “the Strasbourg Court”). After a historical overview of the development of crucial human rights instruments, students will develop a sense of distinguishing human rights from ‘regular’ rights. They will learn how limitations of human rights can be justified in the doctrine of the ECtHR, and how human rights violations can be litigated. On the one hand, the justification and limits of specific human rights such as the freedom of expression, the right to fair elections, equal treatment, and freedom from torture will be discussed. On the other hand, procedural issues related to the enforcement and litigation of human rights before the ECtHR will be covered. Readings for this course will be practical: students will read human rights law sources, court decisions, legal briefs, documents issued by the European Court of Human Rights. Students will also have the opportunity to write up an easier case in an application that they can use to initiate a law suit by themselves.
Human Rights Law
Module Leader:
Mráz Attila
2014-2015 Ősz
Elmélyülés 1
Művészetek és Bölcsészettudományok