The aim of this module is to give a more advanced knowledge of the human body to students interested in natural sciences. Although discovered comprehensively from ancient time, human anatomy still fascinates modern scientists. The discipline deals with the complete view of how a human body is architected and how different parts of the body can work in a sophisticated and well-tuned manner. Furthermore, the subject itself is a complete encyclopedia of gross human structure. While going through the whole module, basic knowledge of anatomical position and light touch of cellular biology are discussed. Meanwhile, a more advanced level of anatomy will broaden talented high school students’ perspective in a systematic manner. All main parts of the body will be taught accordingly: Upper and Lower Limb, the Skull and its Brain, Thoracic and Abdominal Compartment, and the Pelvis. As a separate chapter, the human skin is depicted in great detail in order to deepen students’ knowledge of the body’s largest organ. On successful completion of the module students will generally have perfected their ability to identify and grasp the meaning of sophisticated concepts of a human body’s main parts, recognize the different systems (skeletal build-up, muscular structure, vascular supply, nervous innervation and lymphatic drainage) within each part, and interpret the relationship of all main parts on the body as a whole. The syllabus is designed in a way that sufficient amount of time can be allocated for discussing any relevant issue regarding the topic. Students are encouraged to actively participate in such debates, with a healthy level of skepticism.
Art and Anatomy
Module Leader:
Nha Le
2014-2015 Ősz
Elmélyülés 1