Write for Rights – join the world’s biggest human rights event and watch a Human Rights Documentary Film!
Brought to you by our MUN and Humanitarian Society, Write For Rights is Amnesty International’s largest annual human rights campaign. On the 15th December, in the settings of a shared event of the MUN Society and the Humanitarian Society, you’ll have the opportunity to write letters on behalf of people who need urgent help. Through the power of collective action, these letters convince government officials to free people unjustly convicted and/ or imprisoned. This year’s 11 cases are women human rights defenders under threat. Come and join Amnesty International’s largest annual human rights campaign!
After this, we will watch #doinggood Human Rights Documentary film about voluntourism and its ethical consequences, followed by a workshop and discussion by Verzió. See the trailer and description below.
You do not have to be a Milestone student to come, just click attending!
The run of the afternoon:
15:30-15:45= presentation about the cases
15:45-16:30= guidance for writing the letters
16:30-16:50= writing the letters, meanwhile: discussion with the participants about the importance of human rights and impartial jurisdiction
17:00-18:30= #doinggood Film Screening
18:30-19:00=#doinggood discussion and workshop
Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, Pinterest: “voluntourism” is all over social media; it’s the perfect platform to showcase your adventurous, humanitarian and globetrotting side. Citizens in affluent societies, like 21-year-old Mitchell of Holland, want to “do good” or “make a difference”. Mitchell books a volunteering trip to Cape Town, South Africa. Once he arrives he must drastically adjust his expectations to fit the reality of his volunteering program. We follow Mitchell on his quest for world citizenship, adventure, and purpose. On social media you see the glossy side of people’s experience, but what is the whole picture really like?