The Milestone Arts Society is proud to announce the very first Milestone Arts Review Competition!
The prestigious Berlin Film Festival, the Berlinale, is held every February and now Milestone students have a chance to be there with the Milestone Arts Society, with flights paid for by Milestone!
Here’s how:
Attend Arts Society’s events, write critical reviews about them afterwards and submit them for publication! The writers of the 3 best reviews shall be awarded with return plane tickets to Berlin.
Come to the information session on the 11th October at 18:00 to find out more and learn about the review writing guidelines! Please do come along even if you are only interested in Arts Society events.
Please RSVP to the event here and keep you eyes on the Arts Society’s facebook group!
Practical information about the competition:
There is a rolling submission process until the 13th December and reviews are to be submitted via Canvas. It is recommended to submit your reviews within a week of the event to increase your chance to have it published on the website. Reviews are to be of approximately 500 words and can be of any art event in which you participated this year. The reviews shall be judged by Arts, Literature and Humanities Faculty and there shall be review writing drop-ins offered mid-way.
Please see the preliminary schedule of the Arts Society: