Ladies at Milestone were lucky enough to attend a speed mentoring event at the British Residence to mark International Women’s Day. Participants had to chance to meet and have discussions with successful female role models, such as Colleen Bell, the United States Ambassador to Hungary and Csurgai Csilla, the Executive Director of the British Chamber of Commerce in Hungary. Below, you can read the participant’s coverage.
On 7th March the British Embassy organized an evening for young, ambitious ladies whom were able to talk with successful women. Mentors provided personal advice on how to succeed in our own lives. Speed Mentoring gave an occasion for having a conversation with Colleen Bell Ambassador of the United States of America to Hungary, Theresa Bubbear Chargé d’Affaires and Lisa Helfand Ambassador of Canada to Hungary. Everyone was open and informal, the general feeling was vivacious.
Theresa Bubbear opened the evening with a catchy phrase: “A woman’s success is all women’s success!” She encouraged us to ask courageously to gain as much experience as possible throughout this evening.
Although we were asked to prepare some formal questions in advance in order to make the discussions fluent, soon each talk turned into a friendly conversation. The mentors were truly interested in ourselves, they enquired about our problems and aims, tried to help us by giving words of cheer.
Bár előre megírt kérdésekkel mentem a Nagykövetségre, a beszélgetések során pár formális kérdés után komolyra fordult a szó és eltűntek a kötöttségek. A mentorok a mi problémáinkról, gondjainkról, céljainkról kérdeztek, majd saját életükből merítve adtak választ kérdéseinkre.
Each women are excellent at their fields; Csilla Csurgai as the Executive Director of The British Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, Mariann Csajbók as the owner of LanceCom Style and Communication Advisory Agency and Margit Fehér who is a senior reporter for The Wall Street Journal have already brought out the best of themselves. Though each women’s carrier is different,each story should be sundry, they have the same message for me: “You have to take every challenge that comes to you in life, simply because you can’t predict what would happen tomorrow. Twenty years later you might regret that you weren’t brave enough at that time. Each possibility is a once-in-a- lifetime opportunity.”
Well, I wasn’t expecting such a simple answer. Maybe I thought that I would be given detailed instructions on what to do and how to organize my life in the future to be successful. Approaching to the end of my writing, the conclusion might sound cliché. When we have to face a dilemma, the decision-making is cumbersome. Even before this evening I was hesitating whether to come or not. We make life difficult by being so unsure of ourselves.
Now, I can say it with confidence, Speed mentoring offered a lifetime experience and it was a waste of time to fear the unknown. The future always has something store for you!
That’s distinguishes successful women from less auspicious ones. They do not fear the unknown but bravely start off every possibility.
– Várkonyi Zsófia
-Fáskerti Dóri