This year, it was again our Institute to organise the Hungarian national qualifier rounds of Oxford and ICYD debating competitions. During the two days, an overall of 68 students could prove their abilities, but only six teams had the chance to qualify: they are the ones to represent Hungary in the finals in Oxford in March and May.
We believe in the power of debate. Our aim is to build a democratic and intellectual society, and we believe an advanced culture of debating has a major role in it. Thus, it wasn’t even a question that this year, our Institute would again organise the Hungarian national qualifier rounds of the debating competitions Oxford Schools and ICYD. Both contests belong to the most prestigious debating competitions globally open for students. The stakes were high: the qualifiers were there to find those ready to represent our country at the international finals in Oxford, competing with the world’s best debaters.
Oxford Schools debating competition
This year, we welcomed 19 teams coming from 11 high-schools in our Institute, who proved their skills and abilities during a one-day competition, through four rounds. Eventually, two teams qualified to represent Hungary in Oxford finals in March: In first place, came Morris Jenni (Alternatív Közgazdasági Gimnázium – Alternative Economic High School) and Morris Emese (Madách Imre High School, Budapest, 7th district), who competed as Milestone students. In second place, came Balázs Horváth and Áron Szőcs from Fazekas Mihály High School, Budapest. Congratulations!
For the results of reach round, click here.
ICYD debating competition
15 teams entered the competition organised for student under the age of 15, and 8 contestants qualified themselves to travel to Oxford for the finals in May. Congratulations to Milestone students Csanád Budai (Deák Téri Evangélikus Gimnázium – Deák Square Lutheran High School) and Dávid Halász (Fazekas Mihály High School, Budapest), who won the Hungarian national qualifiers of ICYD this year! We also congratulate Balázs Kondor (Kazinczy Ferenc High School) and Sámuel Vető (Móricz Zsigmond High School, Budapest, 2nd district), who represented Milestone Institute, along with Mór Szepesi, Eduard Olti-Pasca, Celia Irving, and Seb Illing of the American School of Budapest, who also qualified their teams.
For the results of reach round, click here.
We would also like to thank the participation and day-long work of our judges in the competitions: Arystanbek kyzy Zhyldyz, Emese Bálint, Anna Bánhegyi, Dávid Bardóczki, Bianka Bodon, Sophie Dara – President of Milestone Debating Society, Márton Hudáky, Flóra Iskum, Lili Juhász – Vice President of Milestone Debating Society, Judit Kaszab Judit, Ádám Kékesi, Zsófia Murányi, Brúnó Sinka, Zsuzsa Szabados, András Balázsy – Debating trainer of Milestone Debating Society, Zsófia Murányi, Márton Hudáky, Dóri Tolnai, Anna Bánhegyi, Jenni Morris, Samu Marosi, and és Szabolcs Veress.
The sessions of the Debating Society are open for every student. If you feel like debating, join the Society’s Facebook page for the details.
A projekt a Nemzeti Tehetség Program és az Emberi Erőforrás Támogatáskezelő támogatásával valósul meg.