In October 2018, Central European University (CEU) held a series of events surrounding civil societies and their purpose in the 21st century. The activities included a wide range of interactive presentations and debates concerning the subject, including a debate between four members of the Milestone Debating Society, honoured to represent Hungarian high school debaters.

As delegates we were confronted with the motion concerning the clash of individual beliefs and society, namely “This House Believes that Public Space Belongs to All Ideologies”.

After each speech, the given speaker faced points of information from the audience, making the debate even more tense and exciting.

It was definitely an incredible experience to debate in front of such a huge and knowledgeable audience, and I am more than confident that through this event we have gained an even deeper understanding of the world of debating, which we look forward to sharing with the rest of the Debating Society.

At last, I would like to give a huge thank you to Balázs Dezsényi for granting us this marvellous opportunity, and would also include some of the short reviews of my fellow delegates László Dolgos and Sophie Dara, as well as observer Márk Mészárik:

Debating at CEU was an honour. The topic was free speech, and it was ironic debating about that at a university that is silenced. I’ll be honest, I was extremely nervous, but still, it was an empowering event.- László

It was a challenging and enjoyable experience. Our motion “This House Believes that Public Space Belongs to All Ideologies.“ broadened my horizons, and made me look at the issue from a side I otherwise would not have. Overall, a humbling opportunity which was a great way to get back into shape and ready for competition season. We are grateful to CEU and the conference for having us.- Sophie

Experiencing this very high-quality debate was very motivating for me because I got to hear great speeches from great debaters and they set a standard that I want to live up to one day. They spoke with astonishing confidence in front of a massive crowd in a new environment which is a situation that would scare most of us. It was especially impressive how the speakers managed to conduct such a great discussion while being confined by the format of the debate.- Márk