On 20 September, Milestone Institute and Milestone Arts Society had the privilege of hosting Judit Boór for a Fireside Chat. Besides explaining how she ended up producing and directing Sting & Shaggy’s latest music video, Milestone alumna illustrator and character animator spoke about her university studies, introduced us into a few trade secrets, and gave some pieces of advice to those who are planning to embark on a similar journey to become a graphic artist.
More than 30 people gathered in Milestone’s Café around the fireplace on Thursday, 20 September, to listen to the discussion of alumna Judit Boór and Arts Society President Laura Bánhidi. Judit graduated from Milestone in 2012, at a time when the Institute was quite different from what it is now (being much smaller, having much fewer students), thus it was good to hear that she still felt comfortable in, and familiar with our setting.
After telling us about how animation found her (and not vice versa) as a career, and that – despite all the doubts – drawing wolves and dragons can actually pay off, she admitted (answering a questions she keeps being asked nowadays) that working with world-famous singers Sting and Shaggy was not different from working for any other client. It was a challenge to create a video that spoke to every age group (as requested by the musicians), but Judit completed the it by coming up with a funny, colourful, and really enjoyable video – even if it took a very-very long time to design the car Sting’s and Shaggy’s figures ride in…
As an advice to future illustrators and animators, Judit emphasized the importance of making an early and strong decision on pursuing such career, and sticking to it; becoming an artist requires exceptional commitment and mental strength. Later on, on a more practical basis, she added: “Britain is fantastic for studying art, but I’d recommend exploring other options when it comes to work – art has and will be hit hard by Brexit since it’s so dependent on international collaboration”.
What future artists can be happy about, though, is that Saturday’s discussion was not the last time they could meet Judit: “It was great to connect with people who are interested in animation, and maybe help some of them decide to pursue art as a career” – Judit added after the discussion – “I’d love to come to future Milestone-events – hopefully I’ll be able to make it to the Christmas party -, and my (virtual) door is open to any student who’s interested in studying or practicing art.”