Twelve members of the Milestone Debating Society recently travelled to the Czech capital to participate in the Prague Debate Spring Tournament 2017. The Milestone teams successfully completed the preliminary rounds and Milestone Black, consisting only of first-time attendees broke and finished amongst the top sixteen teams of the contest.

Prague 2Milestone Black and Daniella

After a long day of competing and debating our delegation partook in social events that included a sightseeing boat cruise, a visit to Europe’s oldest brewery and a party in the evening with the other teams. During the time they spent in Prague our students not only forged friendships, but expanded their international network by establishing links with debaters, teachers, and coaches from a number of different national teams, with whom they look forward to working and collaborating in the future.

PragueMilestone Delegation


Milestone Hounds: Szőllősi BálintPeter CsitkovicsAndrás Sárosi

Milestone Black: Adam MeszarosAndris NádorTomi Hermann

Milestone White: Péter BerényiDaniella WalshLili Lantos

Milestone Yellow: Dorka BoérDorottya TornaiDániel Ferenc Felföldi

Prague 3 Waiting for announcements

Prague 5 Milestone Hounds

 Prgaue 4Szőllősi Bálint

More information and photos of the tournament can be found here: