Our institute has recently entered into a partnership with a Jewish reform congregation, the West London Synagogue, in order to help and support their collaborative projects with fellow institutions in Budapest, which we advocate as part of our ‘Cultures and Aesthetics Program’. This is the first of many different faith-based collaborations to come.
As a friendly gesture, in the beginning of December the congregation invited the Milestone founders Ádám Zeitler, Dániel Léderer and George Greskovits to London and threw a spectacular party for our alumni studying in Britain. The participants of the event had the opportunity to meet members of the congregation and the Budapest twinning group, whose activities go well beyond the Jewish faith and deal with issues that we greatly support ourselves; they are currently heavily involved with refugees, homeless people and with political and social causes that transcend cultures and religion.
Check out the wonderful photos taken by Júlia Rudas at the potluck supper that took place on December 2nd in the old council room of the synagogue near Marble Arch!