On November 26th, the Hungarian Development Bank awarded the 2014 Junior Príma Primissima Prizes, amongst others, to Csaba Bödör, who also teaches at the Milestone Institute.
The Príma Primissima Prize was established in 2003 by Sándor Demján, President of the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers. Its aim is to support Hungarian intellectuals, to improve Hungarian scientific, artistic and cultural life and to reward outstanding achievements in these fields. The Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) later joined the initiative, resulting in the establishment of the Junior Príma Prize in the “Hungarian Science” category.
The prizes in this category were awarded for the 8th time this year, in a by now traditional ceremony held at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, thus acknowledging the young scientists’ diligence, persistence and enthusiasm. A committee selected the winners from among a shortlist drawn up by esteemed academics and heads of research institutes. We are happy to announce that one of our teachers, Csaba Bödör, is among this year’s recipients. Csaba has worked with the Milestone Institute for two years, and is in charge of a module on the “Introduction to Genomics and Biomedicine”. We are very happy for Csaba and send him our congratulations!