International Olympiads

IMOparticipants01/08/2013: The Milestone Institute congratulates the Hungarian teams for their strong performance at the 54th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) in Santa Marta, Colombia, the 44th International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) in Copenhagen, Denmark and the 25th International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) in Brisbane, Australia. At the former, four students associated with Milestone received a prestigious medal (see picture on the left): Márton Havasi (Bronze), Olivér Janzer (Silver), Róbert Nagy (Bronze) and Attila Szabó (Silver). In the meantime in informatics, on the other side of the world,

Gellért Weisz also won a Silver Medal. Attila Szabó, who also posted the best result in the theory round of the competition, was named overall winner of the 44. International Olympiad in Physics in Copenhagen. For more information, see the websites of the IMO, IPhO and of the IOI.